The formation of EMECC
The European ME Clinicians Council (EMECC) was created from the urgent need to build a network of clinicians in Europe with experience and expertise in treating and diagnosing patients with myalgic encephalomyeltis (ME) who could support each other, work together, and share knowledge with researchers.
The aims of EMECC were to bring together clinicians in the field of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis to review the current state of knowledge, to present and discuss the latest initiatives, and to foster collaboration.
This idea of a European network of clinicians was initiated by UK charity Invest in ME Research following work to set up in USA by Dr Lucinda Bateman and Mary Dimmock to create a a US Clinicians Council.
EMECC would work with the European ME Research Group (EMERG) and be supported by the European ME Alliance (EMEA).
EMECC Meetings
The EMECC group meetings were interrupted by the Covid pandemic.
In person meetings were held in 2019 in London - click below

The first meeting of the European ME Clinicians Council took place in February 2019 in London.
The statement from EMECC following the inaugural meeting is here
StatementA second meeting of EMECC took place in London in Autumn 2019
Members of the European ME Clinicians Council presented at the European Academy of Neurology Congress in Norway in June 2019 in a meeting entitled "Listening to the Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) patients’ voice".
The pandemic caused a radical change in everything, not least among clinicians, and the clinical work was absorbed into EMERG.
The pandemic caused a radical change in everything, not least among clinicians, and the clinical work was absorbed into EMERG.

Recent/Upcoming Events
Upcoming and recent events involving EMERG, Young EMERG and EMEA.
These included workshops and conferences.
The expertise of EMERG members means that the group can be a powerful influence when research expertise
is required at conferences and educational events.