Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) affects millions of European citizens and their families and brings an enormous
financial burden to European economies. Yet little attention and insignificant funding is provided for research into this disease or
for services for patients.
The European ME Research collaboration brings together the complementary abilities in clinical expertise, research
and advocacy that are available from four European organisations that are working to improve
the future for people affected by
ME in Europe.
Europeans estimated to be affected by ME - 1.5 million +
Amount of funding spent on ME in Europe over last two decades €10 million ?
Estimated cost to European economies by ME - €30 billion+ ?
Above are all estimated as no official figures have ever been taken

The Clinicians' Group was formed to create a network of clinicians treating ME patients and working together to share expertise, produce and maintain up-to-date diagnostic methods and assist researchers in building research into this ME
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The European ME Research Group (EMERG) is a network of European ME researchers that was formed to collaborate and share knowledge in research into myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and increase the capacity of research in Europe
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The Young /Early Career European ME Research Group (Young EMERG) is a network of young/early career European researchers that was formed to encourage and support new talent and influence/build the future of research into ME in Europe
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EMEA is an alliance of European patient organisations and charities that are involved in supporting people with ME and are campaigning for funding for biomedical research to provide services, treatments and cures for ME
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Bringing together four European organisations all working towards the same objectives

Europe and ME
Europe has the means to resolve ME. By using the best knowledge, expertise and facilities Europe can discover the cause(s) and develop treatment(s) forthis condition.

European Biomedical Research
EMERG has been established to harness the best European research and synergise the strengths by working together in a shared strategy for research.

A Future for Research into ME
Young EMERG has been established to facilitate the next generation of researchers for ME by building capacity and career opportunities in a shared strategy for research.

European Clinical Expertise
The scarcity of qualified clinicians knowledgeable about ME means this must be a priority to address. EMECC is formed to build fundamental agreement on standards and to develop more influence for overcoming ignorance and lack of education about ME.

European Patient Advocacy
Patients need to have a powerful voice in Europe which can be heard by researchers, clinicians, polticians and the media and public. EMEA provides this with pan-European and national campaigning linked to a strategy of collaborative advocacy.